Thursday, November 04, 2004

he's back......but america was not "cowed"

November 3,2004


They are all back, President Bush is back, Bill Clinton is back, Bin Laden is back. And Hillary is coming back oh my.

Well it is over, yes it really is over including the shouting. Everyone should be proud of them selves, the American people have spoken. Someone asked me if I was happy because my guy won? Remember I am a Yankee fan, so as a Yankee fan I always expect to win. It doesn’t mean I feel entitled to win , “winning” is just a state of mind .You work hard ,do what it takes ,learn from your mistakes and just win baby just win. So all and all I am more or less, “satisfied” with the out come and would say of coarse my guy won I never expected anything else.

So who are the big winners? The American people; for turning out in record numbers to vote and having a good time doing it. George Bush; for getting elected by the largest number of voters in US history. The Republican Party; for picking up even more control of congress. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq ;for getting the full support of the American electorate. The US Military for totally kicking arse. Karl Rove; for making all his detractors look stupid, again. Dick Cheney; for delivering the three electoral votes from Wyoming. Halliburton , because you love to hate them and now you get four more years of fun doing it. Hezbollah; for a successful distribution of Fahrenheit 9/11 thru the Muslim world. Michael Moore; for becoming the most quoted source of international terrorism. John Kerry ;for being the first man to give successful mouth to mouth to a hamster. Theresa Heinz Kerry; for inventing a new cure for arthritis. The Bush twins; for a successful start in the world of public speaking. The “new media” ;for getting so much of this thing right most of the time. Hilary Clinton ;because 2008 is only four years away. Stem cell researchers; for conning California Tax payers out of over 3 billion dollars to do totally bogus research and finally the Boston Red Sox because I simply cant believe they won the World Series and the world didn’t come to an end.

Losing I am afraid is also a state of mind ask any Mets fan. So who are the big losers? Well I bet a lot of pollsters will be searching for new career options. The mainstream media for looking totally clueless, losing all shreds of credibility and by the end got found out for the partisan hacks that they really are. The Democratic Party; which is in a severe state of decline. George Soros; for his failed very expensive bid to buy the US government. Global Elitists of all ilk’s, you know who you are, looking like idiots and we wont forget there follies. John Edwards ;who gave up his Senate seat to become and unemployed trial lawyer ,who often sounds like Forest Gump. Bin laden for backing a loser. Islamofacists; for not realizing President Bush will never campaign again and there for is free to do what ever it takes the next four years. The UN and it policies to promote terrorism, tyranny and global criminality. Hollywood ;for reminding us that beauty is only skin deep and finally Bruce Springsteen ;for reminding us why there are all those jokes about New Jersey.

Finally I just want to say that with the election behind us and a diminished threat of terrorism at home ,a decline in oil prices, a robust economy and a depressed stock market are a recipe for a big upside move in the market in the final days of 2004.


Ps thank you again for all the referrals I very much appreciate the new business…….

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