Friday, June 24, 2005

the court ruling

Yesterdays sell off looks less about oil prices than and more about the Supreme Court attempting to usurp your property rights. Remember property rights are fundamental to the establishment of all other rights. The greater a society goes about protecting private property rights the more successful and prosperous a society is. News of the Supremes decision to allow government to size your property sent the market reeling. Check the time line on the ticker if you don’t believe me; as soon as the court ruling came out the market tanked and besides oil stocks did not have a particularly good day at all.


pjblogger62 said...

Since the court left it up to local authorities many states have already passed resolutions forcing the adherence to the strictest definition of property condemnation. Thus we seem back on track with our summer rally by the following Tuesday.

pjblogger62 said...

thanks for the feedback