Friday, July 15, 2005

Ganji must be Free

July 12, 2005


I just love a summer rally, yes that’s right the market continues to rally and you herd it here first not every stock not everyday and sure the volume is a bit weak but none the less the summer rally is in full bloom. NASDQ looks to have pushed through some very significant resistance around the 2100 level. Again I will repeat the market stages a summer rally, followed by a September through 3rd week of October sell off .Then after about October 20th give or take the real decade rally starts, similar to the fall off 1995 thru mid 1996. The semiconductors are beginning to move upward. They are often one of first sectors to rally signifying the beginning of a new bull market. Mind you it is important to continue to look for confirmation, if the Semi’s fail all bets are off. I know you have herd it all be for, so let the market show you. Scale in making the decision to add more to equities with each passing day buying on weakness or adding to strong positions.

So how does it work, the government lowered tax rates and tax revenues increased? Think of it like running an airline and you want to fill all your planes and eliminate all the empty seats. You simply cut fares and more people fly .Now that wasn’t so complicated was it. Gee you mean people are smart enough to take advantage of sales and discounts, are you? You mean people will buy more when they get a discount? Perhaps you have even made a purchase decision based on the opportunity to take advantage of a sale, I certainly have? I know, never; you always pay more just to prove you’re paying your way …yea right. Everybody loves a bargain, especially business looking to make investments in equipment and expansion. Still not sure ask GM about the Employee discount for everyone program. Taxes are a cost we all share and if taxes are decreased costs decline: more money for you, more fore me to buy, hire, build, expand and advertise; It is really that simple.

Get Me Out Of Jail,fund raiser for MDA
Yes I am going behind bars .I am going to be locked up to benefit Muscular Dystrophy Association .With your help by contributing to my bail we can make a difference! Contribute today by donating to MDA via check, or credit card or cash! No donation is to small! Stop by and see me, call 1(888) 599-1188 or email, or I can pick up a check at your home or office.Thank you,James Foytlin

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