Monday, May 22, 2006

I have heard some dumb things in my time….

Some people seem to be worrying about the specter of stagflation taking root, but I ask you if higher inflation is on the way why are gold and other commodity prices dropping with the market the last couple of days? What is stagflation you ask? It was another gem brought to us by jimmy carter and company were the economy shows no growth and exhibits lots of inflation. Folks again I ask if inflation is coming commodities should be rallying! In case you have not noticed commodities have sold off with the rest of the market the last two weeks .Besides it is a bit of a logical jump to go from 4%plus GDP growth and 5.5% productivity growth with 2% inflation to zero growth ,zero productivity growth and runaway inflation ! Me thinks someone is playing politics and talking out there arise. Again I will repeat if interest rates go up stocks go down, if interest rates go down stocks go up .The stock market was for most of the year looking for the FED to stop raising rates ,but recent data is suggesting to some that not only will the FED continue but the FED may be forced to raise rates further,thus the sell off.


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