Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A down market could bring opportunity for long-term investors

Cool Stuff at BlingJam.com

February 27, 2007

Dear Investor,

Investments have historically returned the best results to patient, long-term investors-investors who have bought when most others were fearful, sold when most others were euphoric, and stood pat when the situation was very unclear. The best defense against short-term fear has been long-term confidence.

As a Financial Advisor, I’m here to help you make sure your investment portfolio stays properly balanced in light of your goals, objectives, and the current state of the market. Too much exposure to any one security, asset class, or industry sector can increase volatility. It may be appropriate for us to review your blend of stocks, bonds, and cash reserves because of the recent changes in the market.

Now is a good time for us to re-examine your holdings and make sure they suit your goals and risk tolerance. We’ll review your securities to see if you’re still comfortable. We should make adjustments when your life circumstances or the fundamentals of securities change-not just because the markets are uncomfortable today.

Painful though it can be, volatility can be rewarding. A down market could bring opportunity for long-term investors.

I want you to know that I’m here for you and reiterate my commitment to helping you reach your financial goals. If you have any questions or would like to set up a time to review your portfolio, please call me at my new number 1(866)492-3959.

James J. Foytlin Jr.
Investment Representative
1(866)492-3959. (toll Free)

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