Tuesday, February 13, 2007

in the news

The growth in video downloads could create an internet traffic jam that threatens the net's development, according to Google. Services such as YouTube, which is owned by the Californian giant, are proving tricky for internet providers to deal with and new developments could create even more problems, senior internet executives were told yesterday. (Guardian UK)

As picture-taking mobile telephones and digital movie cameras grow ubiquitous, Internet users worldwide are being recruited as citizen news reporters. In December Yahoo launched YouWitnessNews, a website that posts offerings from users after the submissions pass muster with professional editors. (AFP)

"I think that the whole citizen journalism phenomenon is a nascent trend," Scott Moore, head of Yahoo News, told AFP. "It is really technology that has created the opportunity."

Scientists skeptical of climate-change theories say they are increasingly coming under attack -- treatment that may make other analysts less likely to present contrarian views about global warming. "In general, if you do not agree with the consensus that we are headed toward disaster, you are treated like a pariah," said William O'Keefe, chief executive officer of the Marshall Institute, which assesses scientific issues that shape public policy. "It's ironic that a field based on challenging unproven theories attacks skeptics in a very unhealthy way." (THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

LONDON, Feb 12 (Reuters Life!) - Size zero models in town for London Fashion Week now have one less excuse to skip a meal.A restaurant popular with celebrities and fashionistas in the British capital is offering free food to skinny models who have come under attack for promoting a stick-thin image which critics says encourages eating disorders in young women.

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