Monday, April 14, 2008

Be very quite it’s earning season heheheheheheheheh

Be very quite it’s earning season heheheheheheheheh and so far it has brought us much disappointment, with the economy slowing you would be wise to expect earning to slow, but in the usual fashion many annalists are surprised by this very fact. GE falls short; it happens to the best of us from time to time. The question remains as to why GE has so underperformed and underperforming market since 2000. American Airlines ground even more flights, and the real question is why would anyone use that airline for any reason what so ever? Even before this incident their customer service makes getting an IRS audit looks inviting. I mean lets face American Airlines has ranked lower than the IRS in customer satisfaction for over 20 years running and it is also considered one of the top 5 worst run companies by this blogger for well over 20 years.

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