Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tunisian inspired demonstrations in Yemen and Algeria violently put down

Tunisian inspired demonstrations in Yemen and Algeria violently put down inspired demonstrations in Yemen and Algeria violently put down
Calcutta News.Net
Sunday 23rd January, 2011

Unrest has continued to spread across North Africa and the Middle East with demonstrators in Yemen on Saturday demanding the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, while riot police in Algeria clashed with demonstrators, injuring dozens.

The demonstrations in Yemen appear to have been inspired by the public revolt that took place in Tunisia, leading to the resignation of Ben Ali, who had ruled the country for more than twenty years.

Yemeni President Saleh has been in power for 32 years and is accused of overseeing a government riddled by corruption and mismanagement. Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East, is running out of water and is also one of the most restrictive, with few political freedoms.

Public demonstrations against the president and his government have been rare, however, a line few dared cross.

The protest at the University of Sanaa, attended by 2,500 activists, students and opposition groups, was therefore unprecedented, not only in its size but also in its brazen demands, calling for President Saleh to resign and comparing him mockingly to the former president of Tunisia, Ben Ali.

“Get out, get out, Ali,” chanted the crowd. “Join your friend, Ben Ali!”

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