Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Portugal's domestic banks tap ECB for record amounts of funding

Portugal's domestic banks tap ECB for record amounts of funding
Bank of Portugal says domestic banks' use of European Central Bank's facilities rose to a record €56.3bn in March

The reliance of eurozone banks on the European Central Bank was demonstrated on Monday when Portugal revealed that its domestic banks were tapping the central bank for record amounts of funding.

The Bank of Portugal said the use by domestic banks for the various facilities available from the ECB rose to €56.3bn in March – up from €47.5bn in February and greater than the previous record level of €49.1bn in August 2010.

Bailed out by the EU and International Monetary Fund in April 2011 for €78bn, Portugal has €12bn earmarked for bolstering its banks' capital positions if necessary in the months ahead.


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