Friday, June 20, 2008

Brilliant simply brilliant : Drill Drill Drill

Finally a viable alternative to this silly idea that raising taxes is going to lower energy prices some how… Drill Drill Drill will some kind of sensible energy policy that involves making more supply available ,thru drilling and construction of nuclear power plants as well as additional investments in alternative energy and passive conservation push to US toward energy freedom ,create an economic boom and change the security picture of the US over night.? It sure would and it looks like John McCain finally has something to run on. If he is serious this could fundamentally change the global energy picture for generations and would finally rid the US of this irrational fear of energy production and change the balance of power in the energy business for ever. Stay tuned this could be very interesting for investors and fundamentally change the dynamics of the US equity market, the inflation rate, productivity growth ,interest rates and national security. Remember there is NO Energy shortage just the political unwillingness to add to supply.

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