Thursday, June 26, 2008

The FED dose it again

So the FED did it again talk the talk on inflation then back down when clear action would send a strong signal . The failure to communicate its intentions clearly has continued to mar this FED and the byproduct being a continued decline in confidence in the FED chair and a continued decline in the confidence of the US economy, the US dollar and the entire leadership of the US government. Perhaps this generation (the 70’s) simply doesn’t have it in them, but the continued lack of leadership is starting to become a real problem. This 1970’s mindset seems so misplaced 2½ decades later but is on its way to becoming a self fulfilling prophesy. While the FED dawdles the two parties are busy embracing the failed policies from this bygone era ensuring that the same failed results. Under these circumstances further deterioration for most equities is a foregone conclusion. Investors will be wise to keep there focus on inflation driven results. Sectors such are energy, precious metals and Agriculture will continue to outperform . With particular focus on domestic natural gas, coal and drillers .Natural gas because its viewed as “cleaner” and we have plenty of it ,coal with its “dirty reputation” because we have even more and at lest it could be exported to China and finally the drillers because weather we spur demand with a new policy of drill drill drill or stick to our old prejudice against drilling a continued premium will be placed on domestic resources and access to those resources.

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