Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Market Up on Obama's Failure to make lasting changes ?

So Obama turns to private enterprise to save the sinking financial ship.The Geitner plan depends on private investors buying up the segregated toxic assets after the treasury goes for the no money down strategy and picks up the dead wood off the banks books .But Wait aren't these the same investors that are saddled with the toxic junk now? So the real story is tax payer gives private investors a better price.There is more private investors better get a pre-nup from the administration which seems to have a new policy inactive every minute and depending which way the wind blows can turn you from hero to target in one media cycle.

On thing is clear about the presidents recent campaign stop on jay Leno ,the white house dog is getting a more serious vetting than the Secretary of the treasury . Obama seems more in campaign mode than presidential mode but I am not sure even with all the hero worship from the mainstream media or stone age media is working.

Congress on the other hand looks to reward the mainstream media for there support with a nationalization of news papers plan,ah to work once again for the fuhrer !

This week Obama got some breaks with housing and durable goods orders posting upside surprises and the market continued its upside rally. Investors continue to wonder was this the bottom ? The sure fire wall street answer is when people stop asking if its the bottom it is the bottom . However given the significant down turn in the market since the election of Obama and his socialist leaning became more apparent the market has taken a perspicuous drop ,so we be infor a very vigorous Bear Market rally in the offering .The other big plus is the Citibank signal giving investors an "its over" cheer .

Some traders feel the markets strenght signals the inability of Obama to create lasting change toward socialism and that as in the past the 80's generation will reject and change everything the 70's generation tries to put in place . This last explanation seems to square better with Obama's sinking popularity and the lefts continued isolation from middle class Americans with their tax every thing that moves and any body that works policy .

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